It feels so good to finally share the news that our triple rainbow baby girl will be joining our family in December! (See my IG post from a few weeks ago if you missed it!!) And I can’t believe we’re now over half-way to meeting her!
It also feels good to be actually writing a blog post again. It’s been quite a while. The journey to having baby #2 ended up being much longer and tougher, with way more roadblocks, than we expected and it got pretty dark for me there for a bit. So I just had to step away for a minute. I’ve always wanted this space to be real, and I just couldn’t come on here and be happy and bubbly like nothing was wrong. Part of me wanted to share the real, raw, often times dark journey we were on, because the “real” tends to be what I’m drawn to on social media. Also, when I was going through this, people sharing their experiences really helped me. So I wanted to, in turn, help others. But I just couldn’t bring myself to do it right then in the moment. I truly admire those that can, but it just didn’t feel right to me. But now, I’m in a place where I’m ready to share and hopeful that it will help others the way that so many others have helped me.