I recently made a brave decision – to fly SOLO with my toddler down to FL. I know people do this all the time (and with multiple kids, no less), but the thought of doing this on my own with a mobile, yet not quite old enough to reliably follow instructions, child and all of the necessary baby crap was just downright intimidating. We’ve flown with Hudson before, but I always had my husband (and, therefore, another set of hands) with me. And we also haven’t flown with him since he could walk. So I knew this would be a pretty different experience. But I figured it is only about an hour flight, so even if it was completely awful, at least it wouldn’t last long.
…Archives for February 2019
Seeking Balance Series: Making a Career Change
Today’s post is the 2nd post in a series I’ll be working on over the next few months about the steps I’m taking to seek and achieve balance in my life. This post is all about how I actually started the process for making a career change, including tips for searching and applying for the career that is right for you! You can find the first post in the series here where I shared all about how I identified that I needed a change and determined what it was I needed to achieve that balance.